About The Author

About the Author

Simon MacDougal

I am a retired professional with a degree and a career that has primarily focused on teaching, training, and mentoring others. I’ve had the privilege of interacting with highly accomplished individuals, but the majority of my time has been spent helping those who are unskilled or poorly educated. My greatest joy comes from seeing someone’s face light up when they finally grasp a concept, watching them grow, and helping them unlock their potential. In contrast, my greatest frustration stems from seeing people squander opportunities due to a poor attitude and a flawed value system.

My career spanned three distinct fields, each vastly different from the others, but all had one thing in common: they involved direct, one-on-one interactions where success hinged on interpersonal skills. Over the course of 25 years, I’ve taught “Human Core Skills” — fundamental people skills that are crucial for success in any environment. As a trained and certified instructor with Development Dimensions International, I have primarily worked with managers and supervisors in industrial settings, while also speaking to schools and service organizations as a motivational speaker.

In one of my roles as a manager at a top Fortune 500 company, I was assigned to the most underperforming facilities with the goal of turning them around. I became what I called “The Garbage Man,” and I never failed in that mission. I never had to fire anyone, though some did choose to leave on their own. The key to these turnarounds was always the same: it was about people skills, or the lack thereof.