A true perspective describes a much larger and true reality about everyone’s existence compared to what is taught by worldwide institutions of faith. You will learn that people have been deceived about God’s true nature and character, about people as spirit, and deceived about why they were born.


To inform everyone worldwide about very important spiritual and physical realities


To help everyone know where they came from and why, to know the true purpose for everyone’s existence both as human and as a spirit being, and to know why everyone is living on Earth?


Using lost teachings taught by ancient Spiritual Masters, using teachings authored by modern-era true Spiritual Masters, and teachings authored by renowned and true spiritual leaders.

About the Author


Raised as a Catholic within the United States, Carl wants to publish truths and spiritual realities that he began learning about since embarking on a mission to find out why numerous cultures and institutions of faith worldwide have very different beliefs and teachings about who we are as a peoples? And why faiths and religions have different beliefs and teachings about people as spirit beings, why they have opposing beliefs teaching about different and multifaceted Gods and Hereafters, that institutions of faith worldwide have always taught people since antiquity? Carl decided to write a book series beginning with this Book 1 that will help everyone know where they came from and why, to know the true purpose for everyone’s existence both as human and as a spirit being, to know why everyone is living on Earth.

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Why Should Read This Book

A true perspective describes a much larger and true reality about everyone’s existence compared to what is taught by worldwide institutions of faith. You will learn that people have been deceived about God’s true nature and character, about people as spirit, and deceived about why they were born. You will learn and know that God is not the Supreme Spirit, Supreme Being, Binitarian, Holy Trinity, or any personification, made-up and taught by worldwide faiths and religions.

About the book


A true perspective describes a much larger and true reality about everyone’s existence compared to what is taught by worldwide institutions of faith. You will learn that people have been deceived about God’s true nature and character, about people as spirit, and deceived about why they were born. You will learn and know that God is not the Supreme Spirit, Supreme Being, Binitarian, Holy Trinity, or any personification, made-up and taught by worldwide faiths and religions. Why all the different faiths and religions if everyone worldwide has the same God? The proof and evidence about our God’s true nature and character are given and described, and after reading the analysis and narratives, you will then know why and how people worldwide have always been deceived about God, about everyone’s purpose on Earth, people as a species, people as spirit, and about our Hereafter.


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