Certificate of Good Standing - Confirmation of the company's status from Companies House
If a business is registered or chartered by a government agency like Companies House, it is considered to be in good standing if it has submitted and kept up-to-date all necessary paperwork and paid any required fees. A certificate of good standing can be obtained from Companies House as proof of a company's good standing status. This certificate may be required by banks when opening a company bank account or by foreign countries when registering as a foreign corporation.
For a limited by shares company, the certificate will include the following information: (a) Date of Incorporation, (b) List of Directors, (c) Registered Office Address & (d) States that the company is up to date with its filing requirements.

Why Would I Need a Certificate of Good Standing?
Certificates of Good Standing are most commonly required by companies who are conducting business abroad (outside of the United Kingdom) or are looking to do so.
The Certificate will often be requested by various third parties as part of the due diligence process to prove the company’s existence and standing. This helps when you open a bank account or try to obtain finance. By keeping your company in good standing you protect the directors from any personal liability for actions of the company.
How does this service work at Crest Legal Group?
- In order to discuss your business details, you can book a free consultation with a legal attorney.
- We will order your Certificate of Good Standing from Companies House, which will take 9-10 working days.
- When we receive your Certificate from Companies House, we will email you a copy and will dispatch the original one.

Our Pricing
The cost of a certificate of good standing can vary depending on several factors. Some of these factors may include the state or jurisdiction where the business is located, the type of business entity, and the turnaround time required for the certificate. However, if you want to get your certificate issues for UK, it will cost you the following:
Certificate of Good Standing
Confirmation of the company's status from Companies House. Normal Service generally takes about 09 to 10 working days to come through from Companies House.
Need Apostilled Documents too?
Our bundle services are an ideal and cost effective solution if you need apostilled documents as well as a Certificate of Good Standing Apostille.
Apostille Documents & Certificate of Good Standing Apostille Bundle (Normal)
Apostilled Documents & Certificate of Good Standing Apostille - 2 products combined in a single package for a special price. The documents generally take 21 to 26 working days to reach our office and will be posted onto you.