David Emerson Frost

About This Author

Meet - David Emerson Frost

David E. Frost is a NFPT-certified Master Fitness Trainer, a rowing coach, champion competitor and award-winning adjunct professor. After his decorated careers in the US Navy and business world, he founded Well Past Forty LLC to promote wellness and longevity for folks nearing age 40 or over 40. He specializes in nutrition, endurance, weight management, stretch therapy, and strength training; adapting sessions for people dealing with cancer, MS, PD, CP, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. He is a volunteer coach for veterans in the Wounded Warrior & Freedom Rows projects. 

David earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the US Naval Academy and his Master of Systems Management from the University of Southern California with a focus on human factors. He also gained post-graduate education at the Naval War College and the National Defense University. He is a national and world champion Master’s rower, which directly aligns with his fitness training. With his professional NFPT, ISSA, NASM, and ACSM certifications, Koach Dave provides invaluable group, one-on-one online training sessions for athletes of all ages to add life in their years and years to their lives. 


David Emerson Frost's Books

About His Book


Thriving and Striving into your 90s

Does poor physical fitness, flagging sexual health, fatigue, brain fog, or a life-sapping disease make you feel like you’ve lost it?

You invested your money for a secure retirement. Isn’t it time to invest in your physical well-being to thrive and strive with new KABOOMER vitality—whatever your age, elder fitness level, or medical condition?

Embrace proven and practical steps for your anti-aging journey from Master Fitness Trainer, Life Coach, and Rowing Champion David Frost in KABOOMER: Thriving and Striving into Your Nineties.

Filled with lasting lessons for longevity, this science-driven and sweat-proven manual will coach you toward a happy, healthy lifestyle.

Yes, you can forge a KABOOMER wellness program to make the most of your encore years as a super-ager.

About His Book

Strong to Save

Your GenX Imperative to Die Harder and Later

Don’t you want to be a great GenX who looks great and performs great by day and night? With sthenic strengths honed from this practical, science-backed, and sweat-based Fitness primer, you can:

  • Make your next years your best years.
  • Move stuff as your very good medicine.
  • Die harder and later – as in 7 to 10 years later – than most of your generational peers.
  • There is no alternative (TINA) to power up your life for those extra vital years.

Cornerstone’s strength is that on which anything is founded. David Emerson Frost parlays his strengths developed as a champion competitor, rowing coach, and master fitness trainer to help you build your own cornerstone of a physical bank with an added 10-year warranty.

Video Trailers for Healthspan Primers

Strong to Save


Book Reviews

Blogs & Articles

Featured Blogs & Articles

Fitness Trainer Dave Frost: 5 Things You Should Do to Optimize Your Wellness After Retirement

Fitness Trainer Dave Frost: 5 Things You Should Do to…

My goal in this chapter of my life is to encourage others to Join the Movement to KABOOM their way to party past ninety — holistically. Our national statistics for…

Long Hard Ride

Long Hard Ride

Since I launched KABOOMER in June 2020, I have been head down and tail up in writing a sequel for Generation X. Well… STRONG to SAVE launched on January 30th,…

Who were the real-life Amazon warriors?

Who were the real-life Amazon warriors?

I put full credence in the National Geographic organization for its enlightening article about the true-blue Amazon warriors. With the bottom line up front – those very tough ladies were…