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About This Author

Meet - David Emerson Frost

David E. Frost is a NFPT-certified Master Fitness Trainer, a rowing coach, champion competitor and award-winning adjunct professor. After his decorated careers in the US Navy and business world, he founded Well Past Forty LLC to promote wellness and longevity for folks nearing age 40 or over 40. He specializes in nutrition, endurance, weight management, stretch therapy, and strength training; adapting sessions for people dealing with cancer, MS, PD, CP, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome. He is a volunteer coach for veterans in the Wounded Warrior & Freedom Rows projects. 

David earned his Bachelor of Science degree from the US Naval Academy and his Master of Systems Management from the University of Southern California with a focus on human factors. He also gained post-graduate education at the Naval War College and the National Defense University. He is a national and world champion Master’s rower, which directly aligns with his fitness training. With his professional NFPT, ISSA, NASM, and ACSM certifications, Koach Dave provides invaluable group, one-on-one online training sessions for athletes of all ages to add life in their years and years to their lives. 

His accolades include an Eagle Scout award, a Technology Achievement award from Lockheed Martin Corporation, an Outstanding College Athlete of America (1975), and a decorated Naval officer in Cold War days, USNA’s Rusty Callow award, and a 2016 Distinguished Faculty member of the University of Phoenix. Hailing from Vermont, David lives in San Diego with his wife of over 40 years, Mary. He home-brews IPAs and Irish stouts, often donates blood, and writes academic articles.   He is the father of two and a proud grandfather. Learn more about David and his KABOOMER life’s work to extend the healthspans and lifespans of others at https://wellpastforty.com.   A generational sequel to KABOOMER, titled Strong to Save, was launched in January 2024.